Things from the end of the internet

Wednesday October 06th 2021, 19:50
Filed under: Photography

Guess I should make a little page with daily photos inspired by ancient picture page on some blog that stuck in my mind. Gotta get things moving with main site again, WordPress is a great tool but I want to have massive amounts of fun with creative things (and use more illustration and fun graphics on site!)

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It’s end of the century, isn’t it?
Friday October 01st 2021, 17:40
Filed under: Mixtapes,Music

Kinda late to bandwagon, but it’s better than nothing.

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Friday October 01st 2021, 14:18
Filed under: Photography

It’s pretty weird camera, but it got it’s charm.

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A place from the past
Wednesday September 08th 2021, 19:32
Filed under: Photography

More weird colors.

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Cycle begins again
Tuesday September 07th 2021, 21:08
Filed under: Photography
dimage x31
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Pen and mouse book addendum
Monday August 23rd 2021, 19:10
Filed under: A Forgotten Era,Art,Books and magazines,Graphics,Reviews

Pen and Mouse book, a tome put together by Angus Hyland of Pentagram Design in year 2001, is possibly most influential book on me so far. A little find that become one of best things I found during my autistic digging through Internet Archive lending libary. A somewhat (or entirely a) re-write of my previous, unfinished post.

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11/08/21 & 17/08/21
Wednesday August 18th 2021, 18:40
Filed under: Photography
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Oh shit
Monday August 16th 2021, 18:56
Filed under: Photography,Updates,Websites

Pretty much I abandoned this place for a quite while, but guess it’s time to come back and get moving.


Monday March 29th 2021, 23:02
Filed under: Listening now,Music
Will add source later, I promise

Stuff no one is interested in, but it’s nice to ramble about something that isn’t really about it.


…and I feel better
Thursday December 31st 2020, 18:27
Filed under: Retrospectives

At 6 PM I’m already hearing fireworks though it’s still early and I’m trying to reflect about this year which was probably best year for me so far.
