Old-new things.
(more…)Blog was quiet for a while, mainly because I didn’t feel in mood to do something and post here. Similar situation with drawings, but I hope I’ll loosen up again with studies since I want to push my progress forwards.
Recent photos I took are up on main site and all november doodles are finally in gallery. Successfully converted my site to use dcb’s AutoSite and it makes thing way easier now, really good stuff.
Probably will dump some random studies here to keep it running, as I wanted from begining. Big things after New Year, now I want to catch up with some things I need to do.
Revisiting my past and falling in love with some stuff again.
(more…)This existed for a while but forgot to post it, so here we go.
(more…)Idea was there for a while and it finally got to be executed. Some process talk too.
(more…)Things coming back from my past, month spent mostly on revisiting music that I liked a lot when my taste was forming. Still usually confortable stuff, not a lot of things though – not a great month overall.
(more…)Very electronic filled month, compared to next few. After overdue here it is. Inspired by Cammy’s Montly Mixtape and earlier posts on Somnol’s group blog.