Things from the end of the internet

useless things just to fill up time
Sunday December 05th 2021, 21:06
Filed under: Blogger

 I’ve noticed how much I fill my Trello to-do board with garbage activities, which exist possibly only to take my attention from stuff I want actually do to some useless things. Maybe some are useful, like cleaning up stuff around and making things easier for me, like I feel an (pretty bad) to translate theme from here to Worpress install I wanted to get rid of made me cut really dumb idea of purging the blog and moving to static archive and I’d get a blank page again, but is it worth that time? Few hours of thinkering with CSS and some stuff around internal parts of theme is better than days and days of making static pages with lot of images and having a bad headache with redirecting all of this shit. Just I like having all of my mistakes and attempts here, all stuff I’ve written and I was proud of at that time… Nicer to keep this here, for sure.

Guess reminding about Cammy talking about having a blog for ages and having archives grow and grow made me pick better option.

Except blog stuff, I finally cleaned up old versions of my site from all of problems and broken links since .htaccess stopped working here. Everything is neatly organized into v1-v4 folders. After a year and a half, just 4 versions but I think it’s enough and I got too lazy with layouts and web design thing just got burnt out. Now thinking about that teen web design scene of very early 00s and these girls vere even on v95… Insane.

A subdomain with this stuff, also with my mixtapes and other things I dumped is up, but still need to make index pages. I have an idea but didn’t even started putting it down..

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