Last 4 months weren’t really good time for me. Clinging back to people who would hate me for silly reasons while straining relationship with friends who didn’t deserve going through this shit. Now it got better and it’s on road to stay like this, since I could finally realize that wasn’t fucking worth. Never will be.
But got some good news and sort of an update about what is going on right now!
An iBook I wrote about last year, after laying for a good while since I thought drive wouldn’t handle working with graphic software, but turns out it’s still going on strong. Was able to install quite a good selection of software, from essential like Photoshop to a bit forgotten competing packages from Macromedia and Corel. Got tablet drivers finally, buying an ancient Intuos truly was worth. Need to get BBEdit and now I can do my period appropriate hip website of 2001.
Regarding main website – it was recently a bit refreshed but no fireworks, really. Cleaned up sections that weren’t used like sort of blog/review/wrting section I called fragments, also cliche and marzenia (dreams), both based on early 00s blogs and intended to be somewhat more loose part of site (but still with overdesigned layout).

From other site updates, some newer graphics got own page.
I think I already told about how much I love Geograph project, but now I got a nice find account on status. Daily finds, inspired by Wiby Find of the Day account run by Cammy. Wondering how long it will last, but got a plenty of nice photos bookmarked. Gotta remember about diversity of subjects, too.
There’s some other things coming too. Investigating little known design companies whose album sleeves are incredibly known, a good pile of magazines added to collection give me an opportunity to write about wider style bible phenomenon of 90s and a bit about most proto-hipster magazine made by london hipsters for london hipsters, while touching on pretty much unknown period of it’s existence before it was stripped from it’s core club guide. Still got Sampler books to write about, since I think they are great time capsule, some of best album covers were featured here.
Underappreciated by me, The Face turned to be incredibly good actually. Just pick a good period and there’s lot of good stuff here, also music guides. Few issues of Sleazenation are another source of little known albums and more known ones with their massive album/single guide. A chance of little review project, listening to all of these albums and reviewing them maybe? And Dazed got mixtapes series, which are interesting little thing too – possibly to get around to recreate them and leave here for fun.
Still got massive amount of flipping to do, possibly getting few more I’m missing and for some specific features I want to get access to – even after many years, only editorials were scanned or little bits, but nothing except fashion. Maybe because everyone wanted to jump on 70s/80s magazine ride I guess?
Not much of drawings that I can show so far, but got some plans to paint more and learn backgrounds. Got few ideas which I want to execute. Related to my lads, which need to be shown since I neglected writing down stuff about them while ago. Would like to make outlines of bios of more developed characters. I think it’s possible now, since I separated some stuff and stopped having characters just to cope with being alone. Maybe because that I didn’t really wanted to attempt writing stories with them and something just about them.

Went for some trips around my town and village I live in, got quite few photos. Digital ones will be published soon, since still I didn’t get time to select the best from over 100 I shoot. Analogue ones still wait to be developed. Honestly I’m still debating if get into nasty habit of hoarding film stocks and getting more of that slide to justify getting E-6 dev kit (and it only exists in 2,5l or 5l sets) to get actual colors of these photos or doing crossprocessing in ECN2 chemicals since I’m going to shoot on cine film mainly (cheap expired, tungsten option and honestly nicer colors than most of color negatives). Still thinking, guess they can wait a bit in the frigde.
Hoping to get a pre-2005 digital camera in not so distant future. Got few models that I’m interested in, now need to think and choose well since I don’t want to end hoarding them. Good choice of full-fledged point and shoot with manual mode and possible a bit smaller option, one that can fit in a pocket (or in my crowded bag).
And the last thing, possible comeback of monthly listens, as I’m listening more and more music again. As I mentioned before this review project could be fun thing and later would move to albums of my liking and stuff that’s laying in my music libary for ages.
Since I’m talking a lot, gotta deliver for sure. Some things will be here sooner, some later but it’s time to clean off all of this dust.
Many potential neat ideas! Definitely looking forward to seeing more photography, especially curious about the analogue ones. Also more character stuff from you would be great >:3c
Comment by caby 08.17.21 @ 02:59I hope I’ll be able to stick to my plans this time. Got some more pictures from today and guess it’s good time to compile all of them finally. 4 rolls are currently waiting to be developed, hopefully money soon will allow me to play with this. Many blue photos for sure, but there’s still summer so it’s time to get some daylight stocks.
Character stuff was long neglected, I always forgot about this usually and in fact nothing got done. But it’s time to write about them, write about various ideas I got. Fun stuff coming