Filed under: Art

Idea was there for a while and it finally got to be executed. Some process talk too.
I like Pennyverse lads a lot, it in general has really great and comfy vibe and for a while wanted to do some art for my friends at Somnol (who I thank for a lot of things – making this place and creating again, leaving toxic communities). There was one idea which I really wanted to draw and caputure that sort of sleepy feel. Decided to go with two Borb’s lads, Arthur and Elliot and draw truly 1995 post office in sleepy town.

Before going into digital and sparking final form, there was idea for more action and different shot but I felt I wouldn’t execute it well at this point – though I know basics of perspective, things still come out clunky and placing characters, capturing volume of things is hard.

Some small sketches which later made into final piece, helped me with pushing this idea further.

At this point I switched to digital with sketch and went for someting more like a still, less complicated but I was satisfied with it. Way cleaner than directly on paper.

After printing it out I made final sketch on top of it, after some clean-up and turing lines into non-photo blue I could get to ink it traditionally.

Entirely lined it with one brushpen, since it really was confortable. Line weight can be a bit uneven in some places, but I’m satisfied with that I didn’t need to constantly switch tools. Cleaning up non-photo blue here was actually harder that I though and finally had to extract linework, which had to be adjusted later a bit again. After that just colored it digitally in Medibang, going for pretty simple shading but I think it does work here. Was supposed to be more detailed, but didn’t really like it.
At the end it does really feel rewarding. I didn’t made a finished piece in almost a year, last one was in late 2019 if I can recall correctly (hopefully gonna find it) but somewhat it feels I progressed from that point, even if my practice in recent months was weak and I didn’t draw a lot of thing. Drawing characters other than humans is fun and more enjoyable than drawing same girl in 3/4 view with different hair as I usually do. It sparked more motivation in me again and I think more finished works gonna follow.
Except that I really really want to use this place as it was intended. More practice drawings, doodles and progress shown. All more loose, same with writing. Throwing things here helps me and I need to overcome that dumb fear I have.
Ayy good post! We all still absolutely love this, glad you posted the WIPs too. Got me motivated to start drafting out my last lil Pennyverse story for the year at long last. Hopefully borb does more with them too, we’ve already discussed a few more post office lads. Gonna be a lovely little side series to all the main Apricot Bay stuff.
Comment by Cammy 11.04.20 @ 14:58[…] “Post office” by Devon (November 4) […]
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