My taste broadens a bit and some stuff from past again.
The Stone Roses – Fools Gold (1989)

Some bands and acts from glorified Manchester scene played a huge role when I started discovering music on my own – notably New Order, later electronic acts like 808 State and A Guy Called Gerald. Knew about them for a longer while, but never bothered to listen to this album until now. Rarely there’s an album which I like entirely, like all tracks and it’s one of them – choice was hard. Loved I Wanna Be Adored, a great album opener but Fools Gold beats it. Every time I listen to it I really want to dance, sounds really fresh.
Evertyhing but the Girl – Flipside (1996)

I got to revisit both Walking Wounded and Temperamental recently, both albums important for me. Even after listening both of them dozen times both are still fresh. Flipside always was my favourite off this one. Lyrics wise it’s really personal song, since it’s deals with Ben Watt’s illness which he later described in his memoir, Patient.
Slowdive – Machine Gun (1993)

Shoegaze started to slowly grow on me and this stuff is great, wish I got to listen way before. Machine Gun is my favourite track off Souvlaki for me, it really does feel ethereal.
Lush – Lovelife (Suga Bullit Remix) (1994)

I didn’t liked original a lot, but remixes sometimes can make things even better (but still usually not fan of them). Really makes me dance.
Blur – Sing (1991)

I remember hearing it way before because of Trainspotting and quickly after I listened album in entirety but I really didn’t remember a lot. Another one I’m revisiting, but liked it a lot – holds up way better than their Britpop stuff.
Air – All I Need (1998)

Moon Safari is regarded as one of best downtempo albums out here, but I couldn’t get it for a while. It falls off after 4th track and gets pretty samey, but more with electro influence which was more prominent on their later work. One of few tracks featuring vocals, which really fit it – Beth Hirsch (who got her career started by this) voice plays with melody very well.
Saint Etienne – 7 Ways 2 Love (1991/2006)

Not really a Saint Etienne song, since it was actually produced by short-lived Cola Boy duo featuring Sarah Cracknell on vocals (and it was mixed by Wiggs/Stanley, the rest of Saint Etienne). Typical early 90s house-pop tune, but compared to most I’ve heard from same period doesn’t sound that much dated.
Luke Slater – Purely (1997)

Carl Craig – Butterfly (1997)

Well, both are really great techno tunes and favourites for a long time. I can’t say a lot honestly, but one of my all time favourites. Albums aren’t really good format for this genre to be honest.
Moloko – 100% & Forever More (2003)

It was hard to choose one song, since Statues really grew on me. Moloko, weidly categorized as trip-hop band, while they were shifting and blending genres which is best described with vague electronica. Statues, their final album is way more grown up compared to debut and following I’m Not a Doctor, which were full of unnecessary… um, comedic elements and interludes. It got better with Things to Make and Do, but still didn’t liked it as much. There’s a lot of electro influence out here, as it made resurgence outside Detroit techno scene. It’s more mature lyrics wise. Forever More is really dancey, but 100% gives me feel like lot of later EBTG’s work does – somewhat dance-y track with sort of sad, melancholic feeling (and usually lyrics).
Hey, I recognize a bunch of these bands! Definitely making me wanna dig through Air’s stuff. Is a shame to hear that techno doesn’t work in an album capacity. Maybe I can get mixes on CD instead, those would work nicely for my setup.
(Yes, I’m finally getting around to listening through all this stuff, making YT playlists as I go…)
Comment by Cammy 12.13.20 @ 21:48I feel it depends on the album, but yeah, a lot of techno works better in mix or just plainly as single or EP. Some early albums are different than things that appeared since mid 90s which are unbearably long and hard to cut through. Lot of early Detroit stuff usually is shorter which makes things easier to digest. Shorter tracks, more of home listening approach which actually is done well here compared to most of IDM (which actually lifted it from early 90s Detroit stuff from what I know).
Air is great, though I didn’t touched anything after Talkie Walkie yet. Hard to find other bands with similar sound to be honest, they got that specific electro-downtempo mix.
Comment by matfloor 12.14.20 @ 20:02