Filed under: Art

I wanted to challenge myself finally and at least once finish literal meme challenge which Inktober is. Some people made unnecessary drama because they are lazy cunts and using 1$ pen and printer paper is too much and too hard for them I guess. For me it’s no problem to draw in ink since it’s my favourite medium and I control it the best so far, but recently I got fucked up again.

My hands weren’t that shaky since year and half ago, when I was pretty much heavily fucked up, in demented state and even had problems with basic things like reading and focusing on anything. That’s behind me now, though shaky hands came back and I don’t even know why.
I can blame this or tools, since I’m kinda dissatisfied with ones I got recently. Kuretake makes got-tier inks, but with brushes and brushpens… quality goes down a bit. Stray hairs, brush lost some hair and it’s tip was splitting in half, some hairs were longer. That’s fucking worse that some of my cheap synthetics. With lot of patience I can use it, but I need to be careful and form tip all the time.
Not to get into consoom product mode, but when I’ll save more money I’d like to get W&N series 7 brush, same Kuretake brushpen with finer tip and opaque white ink for sure. Already got another brushpen in moment of rage though. This time it’s beloved by everyone Pentel Pocket brush pen which I used before and liked a lot to be honest. It got fucked up mainly because I used shellac based ink to refill catridges.

Moving from rambling about supplies, I got to work on my characters a bit again and hopefully I’ll start adding them to Decided to draw some of them digitally to get used to it. I have tablet for over 9 months now, but never could use it. Digital was and still is hard for me, tried a lot of programs but so far PS CS2 on my Mac is best one. Still need to learn to adjusting brushes though.
Got 2 new characters, still thinking about them and their designs and new story. I need to take a break from current universe I’m focusing on, which mostly consumed by time – it starts to feel like 2000 episode soap opera and I need to rework it.