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Recent two weeks were absolute low on my mood, lack of time stunt my progress and stopped any projects I was working on. I won’t whine about this situation since it’s pointless, millions of people did this already, won’t break a rule I set myself.
New theme?

My current theme is good one, even if it’s straight out from 2007 it looks really fucking modern. The Look uses this theme, when I first found this blog I immediately loved it, but all links were dead. Looked in wayback, all download links were broken. Found it later on sort of shady theme site, it works and after some minor tweaks is what I wanted.
Maybe due to it’s minimalism, it kinda feels of empty. Currently fits rest of site (which is still placeholder version of it unforunately),though after future redesign I really want something that screams that was abandoned in 2005/6. Almost Spring theme mostly fitted my needs and it really looks pleasant, but there were problems.
It started with WP showing me message in pane in Appearance section that was added by theme, after second installation it crashed WordPress, had to use recovery mode but everything is ok now. Tested previous version that was in Mariteaux’s WordPress theme archive, was mostly working (except this, some minor issue? Not sure) but no widget support. Fucks up situation a bit, as I need to edit manually sidebar code to make changes.
I was thinking about making completely custom theme that would look like rest of the site. While I’m still refreshing my basic knowledge about HTML and CSS, it’s too much complicated thing for now.
Other things
Thanks to borb, I got a account which surely will help with work on characters. A lot of people jumped on it back when it started in some communities I was in, was trying to get an inivite but it failed anyway. I feel more inspired to work on little people that (only) live in my head, write down character stories that I was creating for years. A lot of cleanup will happen, as I’m eager to re-write story with these characters. All things were out of place, things were getting long and messy.
I’ve written two music reviews by the way, but I feel these things weren’t polished enough. I need to fight my fear about showing things I create, mindset changes are really needed.
Even while I’m coming back to school for final year of highschool, I want to use as much time I can to make these things.
I really need to write again.
More writing is always appreciated >>:3c
On the topic of writing custom WordPress themes–I wouldn’t. It’s not that it’s necessarily difficult to convert raw HTML into a theme, pretty straightforward in fact, but you need to be really good with PHP because WordPress is all PHP. I have done it, but I’ve also still needed to use other people’s code and bases to do it and it’s just not worth it. Quite happy with my nonzero theme still.
Only issue I’m having with the theme is that that image is stretched vertically. I’ve had the same issue, you can fix it by going into blog/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css and doing a search for “.wp-block-image img{max-width:100%}”. Add “height:auto” to the ruleset and it should fix the stretching. WordPress likes to undo this change when it updates, so I have it saved in a SimpleNote for myself. Figure I’ll leave a comment for posterity.
Comment by Cammy 08.29.20 @ 19:22Yeah, WordPress is way more complicated when it comes to themes, compared to other platforms I did themes for (namely Blogger and Tumblr). Maybe this could be a way to learn some PHP, but for me as usual it would end working on base code and just changing stylesheet a bit anyway. What I want would be really hard in execution to be honest.
Fixed this, thanks. Was pissing me off a bit.
Comment by matfloor 08.30.20 @ 18:24